Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > WebServicesURL


String (URL-name)

Not specified


The WebServicesURL parameter enables you to change Web service URL settings; that is, to override the optional Web services scheme and the machine name, virtual directory, and support library defined in the application so that the Web service test harness functions correctly.

Alternatively, you can change URL settings in the JADE development environment by using the controls in the URL Setting group box on the Web Services sheet of the Define Application dialog. For details, see "Defining a Web Services Application", in Chapter 11 of the JADE Developer's Reference.

The URL definition is defined as [scheme,]machine‑name,virtual‑directory‑name,support‑library, as shown in the following example.


If you want to specify a direct Web service between JADE systems, specify tcp in the optional scheme value of the Web services URL. (By default, the communication protocol is http.)

For direct Web services, the machine name must contain the machine name or the IP address followed by a colon (:) character then by a TCP port number on which this service is offered.

For a Web service consumer application, you can dynamically override the WSDL machine name, virtual directory, and support library by calling the JadeWebServiceConsumer class setEndpointURL method.


If you need to define multiple applications with different connection names in the same initialization file, prefix the WebServicesURL parameter with the name of your application followed by an underscore (_) character; for example, if your application is called MyWebService, the parameter is MyWebService_WebServicesURL so that your initialization file parameter value looks like the following.
